Cue Settings
Cue Triggers

By default, cues will run when they are selected as the next cue, (indicated by the cue being highlighted in yellow in the cues window), and they are then triggered with a press of the "Go" button.
However, there are other trigger options available, by using the "Trigger" drop down.

Auto (with previous cue)
This will trigger the cue at the same time as the previous cue. For example, when you press Go on the previous cue, this cue will also be triggered and run at the same time. This can therefore be used to achieve what is sometimes referred to as "part cues" - simply different cues running at the same time.
When this option is selected, a “Wait Time” field will appear just below the drop down. This allows you to enter a wait time, for example 5 seconds. This means the selected cue will be triggered 5 seconds after the previous cue is triggered, even if the previous cue is still running as it’s fade time is longer than 5 seconds. As well as typing in the Wait Time, the first encoder wheel can be used too.
When the trigger is changed to Auto with previous cue, the Settings button for the cue in the Cues window will then display "Auto-W x", where x is the wait time.
Auto (after previous cue)
This option is similar to above, but it will trigger the selected cue only once the previous cue’s fade and delay times have completed. Again, when this option is selected, a “Wait Time” option will appear under the drop down.
When the trigger is changed to Auto after previous cue, the Settings button for the cue in the Cues window will then display "Auto-A x", where x is the wait time.

FLX and ZerOS Server, have two other trigger options.
Real Time
This option allows you to trigger the cue at a specific time in the day (a “real time”). For example, at 8:00, or 19.30. (Ensure the time is set correctly on the console by going to Setup -> Settings -> Date & Time).
When the trigger is changed to Real Time, the Settings button for the cue in the Cues window will then display "REALx:x:x", where x is hours:minutes:seconds.
Consoles with a MIDI input socket, have the ability for any cue to be triggered via the MIDI Timecode (MTC) protocol. This option allows you to trigger the cue at a specific time during a MIDI Time Code (MTC) signal. MTC signals are often generated by software running on a PC or Mac, and connected to the console via a USB to MIDI interface. The format is Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames.
MTC auto senses between 24fps, 25fps, and 30fps, and can be configured in Setup -> Triggers.
When the trigger is changed to MIDI, the Settings button for the cue in the Cues window will then display "MIDIx:x:x:x", where x is hours:minutes:seconds:frames.
On consoles with timecode, the timecode is displayed at the bottom of the Cues window in the status bar on an external Cues desktop. To toggle between viewing the real time and incoming MIDI timecode, just tap the time displayed in the status display.