Playback Settings

The last tab in the Playback Settings is Advanced.

Playback Name
This allows a Playback to be named, which is displayed within the Faders window (pictured). FLX users can also use syntax to name a playback.

This option allows you to renumber all the programmed cues in the playback. To do this tap Renumber. This brings up the Renumber Cues box. You can then press OK, to renumber the cues sequentially from 1.
The "Start Number" and "Increment" buttons can be used to customise the Renumber behaviour if required.
Pressing the Block button, will ask you whether you are sure you want to make the playback fully blocked. Pressing Yes allows all cues in the playback to be converted to block cues. This means the console automatically programs all the parameters at the values they would normally be output at when the cue is played back. You will no longer see purple values (tracked) in the Output window when the cues of this playback are played back.
Pressing the Unblock button, will ask you whether you are sure you want to make the playback fully unblocked. Pressing Yes, will remove any parameters from cues where they are at the same value as in the previous cue, and they will instead track from the previous cue. You will no longer see white values (blocked) in the Output window when the cues of this playback are played back.
Allow Stomping
The Allow Stomping button allows for compatibility with show files saved in earlier software versions.
Page Lock
Enabling Page Lock means this playback will not change when the Playback Page is changed, so it is always available. This means you can no longer access the playbacks on other pages which would normally be accessed via this physical fader, until Page Lock is disabled. This is sometimes useful for if house lights are recorded on a playback fader, so you know no matter the playback page, that playback fader controls your house lights.