Playing Back Cues
RGB Colour Mixing on Playbacks
Sometimes it's useful to have direct RGB control on faders for a fixture. This allows you to, for example, add Red in and Blue in using faders to colour mix and create Magenta.
ZerOS will by default treat colour as LTP. This stands for Latest Takes Precedence. This means that if you raise a playback, the fixture will go to the colour of that playback, as it was the latest instruction for that light. It won't by default mix the colours together. However there is a method to give you colour control on faders.
Take a look at the tutorial below to guide you through the steps...
The steps required are as follows...

Select the LED Fixtures you wish to have RGB control over, but leave their intensity off. The first encoder wheel should display "Red". Tap the "Red" parameter name on the touchscreen above the encoder wheel, and you should see it goes from having a dark blue background to light blue background.

Now press and hold Record, and ensure SmartTag is disabled in the Record Options Window. It shouldn't have a Red Stripe next to it, if it does tap "SmartTag".
Then tap the button under the Playback you wish to control RED.

Now tap "Red" on the touchscreen again, and you should see it goes back to having a dark blue background. Now tap "Green" on the touchscreen above the encoder.

Now tap Record, and tap the button under the Playback you wish to control GREEN. Now tap "Green" on the touchscreen again, and you should see it goes back to having a dark blue background. Now tap "Blue" on the touchscreen above the encoder.

Now tap RECORD, and tap the button under the playback you wish to control BLUE.
Now tap the middle encoder button of any of the RGB encoders to take you to the colour picker, and drag the onscreen fader to the right of the picker to 0%.
Now turn the fixtures on to full intensity. You can use the intensity wheel to do this, by pressing Z, and using the first encoder. Note the fixtures won't come on, as they are currently black.
Now tap Record, and tap an empty playback button - this playback is your Colour Mix Intensity fader.

Now hold Setup, and tap the Playback button of the "Red" fader, and tap "Colour" under "Fader Controls..." so that it has a red stripe next to it, and press OK.
Repeat this for the Green and Blue fader.
Whilst you're in the Playback Settings, you can tap Advanced from the top, and you can give your playbacks a name.
Now clear the programmer by pressing the Clear button twice, and then when you want to use your colour mixing playbacks, raise your Colour Mix Intensity playback - note by default this playback will have a 3 second fade time for colour, which you may wish to remove. To do this press and hold View and tap the playback's button. In the cue list window you can tap on the colour time, and use the encoder wheels to dial this to 0 seconds.
You can then use your RGB faders to colour mix on your fixtures. Raising all four will give you full white.
When your Intensity Mixing Playback fader is lowered, by default it will "release". This means you will then need to raise it again, before you can use your colour mixing faders. You may wish to stop it releasing. To do this, press and hold Setup and tap the playback's button, to open the Playback Settings. Choose Raise and Lower from the top, and then set Release on Lower to disabled.