Internal Touchscreen
External Desktop
Intensity Colour Coding
RDM Notifications
Multicell Fixtures
Searching & Filtering
Fixture Creator
Edit & Export
Missing Fixtures
Multi-Part Fixtures
Windows Fixture Editor
ZerOS supports various Ethernet communication protocols. These are used for sending DMX over a network, connecting to visualisation tools, using remote apps, and for creating a full tracking backup system.
FLX and ZerOS Server have an EtherCON connector on the rear panel for connecting them to a network. A female EtherCON connector accepts a “normal” RJ45 connector (the standard connector on an “Ethernet cable”), or the more robust EtherCON connector designed especially for tough touring conditions.
FLX S and other ZerOS consoles have a standard RJ45 connector on the rear panel for connecting them to a network. EtherCON connectors cannot be plugged into FLX S.