Add Fixtures
Edit & Export

Once you have found a fixture in Add Fixtures, you can then click Next. If required, you can then Edit & Export a copy of this fixture by clicking "Edit & Export".

In the Edit Fixture window that opens, you can click on a parameter to customise it, such as change its name or default values.
You can also edit the fixture's Manufacturer, Model and Mode names.
Edit & Export can be used in conjunction with filtering Add Fixtures, to gain control of a fixture that is not in ZerOS Library. The Fixture Filtering options can be used to find an existing fixture in the library that shares the same DMX map as the fixture you are trying control. You can then export the fixture with a new name if required.

Once a fixture has been edited, it can then be Saved.
Choosing "Save To Library" will take you back to the second page of Add Fixtures, with your edited fixture chosen, to allow you to patch it.
If you were to click "Back <", you would see your edited version of the fixture has been added to the Add Fixtures list.

Choosing "Save To USB" will allow you to export your edited fixture. You can give the fixture file a name, and choose your USB storage device. The fixture will be saved in the .zfix format.

The Edit Fixture window can also be used to remove a custom fixture from Add Fixtures. If you click Edit & Export on a fixture that has been loaded into the console, and is not currently patched, a "Delete Fixture Type" button will be shown.

Upon exporting a fixture, you can also add RDM information to a fixture. The RDM information is in decimal (not hex), and includes the following information:
- ESTA Manufacturer ID
- Device Model ID
- Personality ID
Upon detecting a connected RDM fixture, ZerOS will look at the fixtures in the ZerOS Library, plus any custom fixtures that have been loaded. If ZerOS sees a fixture in the library or a custom fixture, that has RDM information that matches the discovered fixture, ZerOS will then automatically patch it.
If ZerOS doesn't find a matching fixture, it will create a basic fixture personality based on the information it can obtain over RDM. This basic fixture personality can then be found in Add Fixtures. To find the RDM information of the discovered fixture, tap Setup -> Add Fixtures, find the RDM fixture that has been discovered, click Next > then Edit & Export. You can then view the RDM information, which could then be added to a custom fixture file if required.