Internal Touchscreen
External Desktop
Intensity Colour Coding
Live / Preview / Blind
Parameter Table
RDM Notifications
Multicell Fixtures
Searching & Filtering
Fixture Creator
Edit & Export
Missing Fixtures
Multi-Part Fixtures
Windows Fixture Editor
Desk Type
MFF Window Playback Action
Auto Select Channels
Page Handover
Recovery Mode
Rem Dim & Highlight options
Hide Unused Fader Pages
Record & Update
ZerOS Library
ZerOS software, will contain the latest ZerOS Library as of the date that version of ZerOS software was released. However, ZerOS Library is updated more regularly than ZerOS software, and so ZerOS Library files can be loaded into the console.
Once downloaded, copy the library to the root of a USB stick, and plug into the console. You will then be able to tap Setup -> Load, and choose the library file to load in.
Contained in ZerOS Library, is the fixture library, auto effects, and Art-Net OEM codes. ZerOS Library will use the file extension .zlbr

Upon loading the ZerOS Library file, the console will ask you to confirm, and inform you a power cycle will be required after installing the ZerOS Library update.