ZerOS Servers are available in CAN variants. ZerOS Servers with CAN are able to accept iCAN triggers from architectural lighting networks, to control DMX lighting networks.
This is done using the green phoenix connector on the rear of the server. If your ZerOS Server has a blanking plate instead of a green iCAN connector, CAN settings will be hidden from the Triggers tab of Setup.

The phoenix connector uses this pinout.

These colours are used.

CAN will be enabled by default on ZerOS Servers with CAN. When enabled various iCAN settings can be changed.
CAN Virtual Areas
The iCAN protocol sends "Area" number commands and "Scene" number commands. Areas can be mapped to Macros, the Grand Master, or Playbacks.
Grand Master
The Grand Master can be assigned a virtual Area Number from the Triggers tab of Setup. Scene Modify messages can be used to alter the current Grandmaster level (Latest Takes Precedence with the physical fader).
Macros can be assigned a virtual Area Number. Macros will be triggered when receiving the relative Scene Number from within the defined Area (Scene 1 = Macro 1 etc.). The Macro Virtual Area can be set in the Triggers tab of Setup.
Each Playback has the option of adding a CAN Virtual Area. This can be added once at least one cue has been recorded into a Playback. To map an area number to a playback, go into the playback settings.

To open the settings of a playback press and hold Setup and tap the playback's button. Then choose Advanced from the top and enter a number into ‘CAN Virtual Area’.
Scene messages will trigger the relative cue within that playback (Scene 1 = Cue 1 etc.). This means a Scene 0 will trigger cue 0 of that playback, turning off any active cues in the playback.
Select Next Scene and Get Current Scene commands are also supported. If an Alarm Set is received, Cue 132 will be triggered. If an Alarm Clear is received, Cue 1 will be triggered.
An Area number of 0 means the playback will not be triggered by iCAN.
Virtual Source Controller
ZerOS Server can be configured to emulate a Source Controller. This allows DMX from ZerOS Server to be controlled as ‘physical channels’ of one or more virtual source controllers. Normal source controller operations of programming and outputting scenes are supported.

To do this, CAN must first be enabled within the Trigger tab of Setup. In the CAN settings of the Triggers tab, virtual Source Controllers can be created by pressing “Add”. Each virtual Source Controller requires a DMX Start Address and a number of Channels. Only create Source Controllers you intend to use, as large channel counts can take long periods of time to be read into iCAN Soft. Behaviour from this point forward is as per any physical Source Controller on an iCAN network– scenes can be programmed via iCANsoft and can be triggered via iCAN messages.
Intensity Mixing
ZerOS fixtures, patch, and other fixture settings are not applied to the Source Controller Emulation. Source Controller Emulation only has access to direct DMX addresses. When both the Source Controller Emulation and ZerOS Desk Interface are being used together, operation is completely separate until the DMX is generated. At this point, ZerOS performs a Highest Takes Precedence (HTP) mix on the outputs. This means that a DMX channel will be outputted at whichever value is highest between ZerOS Desk Interface and CAN Source Controller Emulation.