Channel Data UDKs
UDK Settings
Once you have programmed a channel data UDK, you can configure it. To do this, hold Setup and tap the UDK you wish to configure, to open the UDK Settings.
After making changes in the UDK Settings, click OK to save, or Cancel to discard.
Flash Mode
The flash mode can be switched between “Flash” and “Latch” using the Flash Mode drop down, and changes the button function of the UDK.
The default is “Flash”, which means the recorded lighting state is output by pressing and holding the UDK and released when the UDK is released (fade times, are ignored). This is useful for bursts of smoke, or flashes of blinders for example.
When set to “Latch”, the recorded lighting state will fade according to the UDK fade times configured. When the UDK is pressed the first time the lighting state will fade up and stay on, until the UDK is pressed for a second time, when the UDK will fade down and release.
The light in the UDK indicates if the UDK is active.
Mix Mode
The intensity channels in the data are mixed either HTP or LTP.
The default Release option is Yes, meaning that when the UDK has been turned off, and the controlled intensities fall to 0%, the UDK will be released. This means the UDK will no longer be controlling those fixtures.
If the Release option is set to No then the fixtures will not be released when the UDK is released. The fixtures being controlled by the UDK can be released manually by holding down the Clear key and pressing the UDK's button, or by controlling the fixtures by triggering another LTP command from elsewhere on the console.
Holding down Clear and pressing Fader Funct. will release all playbacks 1 – 240 and all UDKs.
Page Lock
Page lock is used to lock a specific UDK to the button, no matter which playback page you are on. This is enabled by default, so can be disabled to access UDKs on additional pages. Some users may wish to page lock all of their playbacks, and not page lock their UDKs, so that the playback page control only changes the functions of your UDKs.
Fade Times
Fade times can be given to each attribute, and are used if the UDK is set to “Latch”. All UDK fade times will default to 0 seconds. Any unprogrammed attributes, will be indicated by their fade followed by "-".
Fade times can be adjusted by using the up and down arrows to navigate through the times, and typing in the required timings. Fade Up is the time it takes for the UDK intensities to fade on after tapping the button, and Fade Down is the time it takes for the intensities to fade down after tapping the button again. Colour, Beam, Shape and Position times are used to get from the fixture's current values, to the programmed values. They are not used when releasing the UDK.